Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Living Better With Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, is also known as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes and is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes the sugar needed to fuel your body. With Type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly; this is called insulin resistance.

When glucose builds up in the blood, it can cause issues. Your cells may be starved for energy, and over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.

Some people with Type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose with healthy eating and exercise. But, eventually, your doctor may need to prescribe oral medications or insulin to help you meet your target blood glucose levels. In some cases the disease can progress over time—even if you don’t need medications at first, you may need them later.

Obesity can be a risk factor for developing the disease, but weight loss can help to improve Type 2 diabetes in those who are overweight or obese.

Common symptoms of Type 2 diabetes can include fatigue, extreme thirst, frequent or increased urination, blurred vision excessive hunger and sores or cuts that won’t heal. If you are experiencing these symptoms regularly, your doctor may want to test for the disease.

Early recognition of diabetes by your health care provider is crucial in avoiding complications.  Routine diabetes screenings usually begin at the age of 45. Measuring your A1C involves a simple blood test that provides information regarding levels of blood glucose or blood sugar over three months. The higher the A1C, the greater your risk of diabetes. If you have a fasting blood glucose level of 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) or greater on two occasions, then you have diabetes. Also, if your doctor gives you an oral glucose tolerance test and at two-hours, your blood glucose is 200 mg/dl or greater, you have diabetes.

Watch #CHS's Executive Vice President & System Chief Medical Officer Patrick O'Shaughnessy, DO discuss discuss Type 2 Diabetes:

For more health information, go to CHS’s YouTube channel where you can view more of Dr. O’s Health Tips & Solutions

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